Two months ago a special event took place in a Southern California hospital. Some called it a miracle. The doctors were all smiles. The public ate it up. Octuplets! The mother didn't wish to be identified. Oh how I wish she had stayed anonymous. Fast forward sixty days and the story of Nadya Suleman is still "A" block news in the LA market. Just when you think you've seen it all, along comes another 911 call, a spat with celebrated attorney Gloria Allred, an appearance on Dr. Phil, and video, video, video of the Octomom and the babies. Who needs Nannies when you have entertainment reporters lining up to bottle feed the infants on camera. When is enough, enough? Is the media feeding this frenzy or does the public have an insatiable appetite for all things Octomom? For the safety and well- being of the children, it's time for the media to take a pause. Another watercooler story will come along, but until it does, I say,' eight is enough.' We have now had eight weeks of octonews.