Yvette Fernandez-Women Media Pros- Bilingal (English-Spanish) Media Interview Training, Diversity in Media & New Media,Beverly Hills | womenmediapros.com

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Yvette Fernandez    

Yvette is fluent in Spanish and provides bilingual, executive media training across the United States and in other countries. She has developed a training program on diversity in the media.
More on our bilingual media training options.

Yvette is also a veteran media trainer of law enforcement officers, firefighters and municipal PIOs. Each year she media trains hundreds of first responders using her customized program. 

  • Women Media Pros Senior Media Trainer (since 2007)
  • Long-time TV Reporter in Los Angeles and Phoenix
  • Radio Reporter NPR station, Las Vegas
  • Host of TV and Radio public affairs shows
  • Corporate Spokesperson
  • Co-Author of “Dead Ringer-The Mob’s Colombian Connection”
  • Documentary Filmmaker

“I learned the importance of our 'message'. The art of bridging and the different types of interview formats. Good, good, practice and practical experience."
–Employee of LA County Department of Public Health who attended one of Yvette’s media training workshops

Yvette presenting

Providing  MEDIA TRAINING services in: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Milwaukee and cities worldwide
Call:  323-899-3883    Email: pros@WomenMediaPros 

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