We've all heard the expression, "too little, too late". But in Governor Rod Blagojevich's case, I say it's a matter of too much, too late--too much media and way too late into the impeachment process. I watched many of his many TV interviews in the past 24 hours, and he did a decent job of staying on message. He thinks he should be able to call supportive witnesses at his impeachment proceedings. Kind of late to be fighting that battle with the Illinois Senate listening to the first of the tapes today. Journalists and viewers may have been hoping the governor would explain what's on those tapes--beyond his assertion the recorded conversations have been taken out of context. Governor B pushed ahead and answered the questions he wanted to answer--his way. With federal charges hanging over his head, he would have been foolish to get into the nitty-gritty. As a media consultant, I get it. As a news consumer, it was disappointing and exhausting. Blagojevich was everywhere. Although he nearly missed out on a love fest with Geraldo. In the end, Geraldo tracked him down outside "The View" and got his interview. My favorite moment of the media blitz: when Joy Behar mussed Blagojevich's hair. If he was annoyed, it didn't show. The guy does have great hair. Reminds me of that other famous politician with the great head of head who ran into some trouble of his own. Of course John Edwards was more selective, and perhaps controlling, when it came to his on-air mea culpa.