We're laying our cards on the table. Media training may be uncomfortable for a number of reasons:
- In group media training your colleagues will be watching.
- You may not like the way you look on camera.
- You may hate your voice when you hear it on video playback.
- You are accustomed to giving lengthy responses. Now a media trainer is asking you to give pithy answers in mock media interviews.
- You suddenly realize that "um" is a regular part of your speech.
- You see firsthand that you have some distracting habits. It could be looking up any the ceiling, nodding your head way too much, or swinging in your chair.
Don't let any of that discourage you from getting media training before doing TV interviews, Zoom meetings, or even Facebook live. Think of this an an opportunity to make mistakes in a safe space. I have media trained a lot of business people over the years and not one was perfect at the start of the session. But with the tips and tools media coaches provide and plenty of on-camera practice interviews, you will be a more media-savvy executive at the end of the day.
Being interviewed by a pushy journalist under studio lights where your microphone is always hot, can be a bit daunting. This is the time to draw on what you've learned and practiced in media training sessions. It's time to put your game face on.
A few highlights of our media training sessions:
- In media training you'll learn how to best prepare your voice for a broadcast interview. It could be as simple as switching from ice water to room temperature water. Tempo issues are a pretty easy fix. But if your pitch or tone is the issue, we may bring in a vocal coach.
- Self-awareness if they key to breaking bad habits. Perhaps you say, "you know" too often. This breaks the flow of your talking points. We teach executives alternatives to sound smarter.
- If your non-verbal communications are interfering with your verbal messaging, our media trainers will show you when your on-camera mock interviews are played back.
- As for your appearance; you don't have to become someone you are not for TV interviews. That said, there are colors, textures and designs that work best when dressing for TV. The right makeup can make a difference too. So can the proper use of accessories. The aesthetics of TV are including in our sessions.
- Developing your talking points and learning to speak in sound bites are the most important elements of media training. And once you have your messaging down, you'll learn tips to stay on that messaging during any media interview.
- When I am critiquing clients I tell it to them straight, but I never want to crush someone's spirit. This is never more important than during group training. I make it clear that no one should be embarrassed. This is a learning process. But that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it.
- Remember to keep your eye on the prize. The goal of media training is to ace your next media interview. Anytime you're learning a new skill it can feel a bit uncomfortable. In the end it's worth it.
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