Just what is Chick-fil-A's position on same-sex marriage these days? This summer, the company's CEO said his firm believed in, "the biblical definition" of a family and was giving funds to those opposed to gay marriage. There were protests for and against this stand. Loyal customers apparently continued to buy the Chick's signature chicken sandwiches and biscuits. But this week it appears less clear where Chick-fil-A stands on the issue. First, a Chicago Alderman announced that the restaurant franchise had changed its position, and therefore he would no longer oppose a new Chick-fil-A location in his district. But, then came two statements from the company that don't exactly clear things up. One reads in part, "Our intent is not to support political and social agendas." What?
No matter where you stand on the issue of same sex marriage, I think it's too late for the company to try to skirt controversial issues. It's confusing to its customers and the brand. Since neither of these latest company statements confirm or deny the Alderman's claim, I would look for this to story stick around for a while. The ball may be back in the Alderman's court.